Sunday, July 27, 2014

Because I find myself pretty hilarious and interesting...

"I have a thing for words.
I'm a logophile with a latent talent for foot in the mouth disease.
I aspire to speak beautifully, but usually end up tongue-tied or blurting out the wrong thing.
Eighteen to twenty-four hours later, the perfect one-line zinger will dance across the stage of my brain.

It's a talent, really."

I've always wanted to be a writer. If you knew me as an adolescent (god bless you if you did), you'd know that I was always trying to write the next amazing YA novel. I went from spies, to Dragons, to Vampires (thank you, Twilight)...then I gave up. I felt like I wasn't any good and that I would never be published, so why would I ever try?

Here's the difference between then and now -- now, I don't give a shit.

Writing is a passion that I'm bad at, but love to do anyway. People can often find me furiously scribbling in my notebook at the local coffee shop, spilling out my frustrations about the injustices in today's society.

I've always been one to want to share my ideas. I love to talk and to brainstorm about what life really means and what it means to live a long and happy one.
I see people share their opinions on Facebook all the time ( * que eye roll *), and I started to think...why not me?

This blog will be about my experiences in college (like many college freshman starting blogs) and just random rants I decide to go on.

-- So here is my attempt. --

My opinion might not be a popular one - growing up in the bible belt has taught me that. However, the time of change is coming. The voices of the people who are still not getting equal rights are rising and they will not be silenced anymore.

So here is my disclaimer.
I have a sailor's mouth. This is my blog, you've been warned.
I'm quite liberal -- conservative family members ~ beware
I'm pretty blunt with my opinions and {I know} I'm right 99.9% of the time. If you wanna argue, cool, but I will fight to the death. (You can ask my parents or my boyfriend for confirmation on that one.)

Watch out world, Holly Miller has officially started blogging.

1 comment:

  1. Go to it! I will be happy to read your unique take on your college experiences! If people don't like what you've written then they don't have to read future posts! Adopt my motto: piss on em! I will happily read your blog, just don't post any negative stuff about me! *wink wink*
