Tuesday, August 5, 2014

5 incredibly annoying things people say about my tattoos.

By now, it's no shock to people I have tattoos.

Why it was a shock when I got my first one in the first place, I have no idea.
I mean, come on guys. I've been talking about them since I was 8. Do you know how much trouble I used to get in because I would draw on myself? Mom finally gave up when I was 15 (after around 7/8 years of me doing it, she finally realized I was not going to stop).

Over the last several years that I've talked about getting them/ months since I got my first one (I have 3 now, if you don't know), I have formed a list of things that are INCREDIBLY annoying when you hear them repeated 300 billion times. I don't know why people think they are so clever when they think up ways to insult my tattoos...it's all been said before, trust me.

1. "You're body is a temple for God. He wouldn't like you to ruin it"
By far the most annoying. Honestly, part of my wants to be tatted up in spite of all the SBC women who have told me this. 1st of all, sure. My body is a temple. So why not decorate it?
Secondly, (as I will probably say many times during this post) It's not your body. Therefore, not your concern.
Thirdly, I highly doubt that God cares I'm tattooing my body. Pretty sure he has bigger and better things to worry about. Also, my God would be sitting there with me, holding my hand through it.

My God is pretty cool.

2. "You're going to regret that when you're older"
Probably the most common, honestly. I've gotten that BEFORE I got a tattoo, and even now when I have three.
Contrary to {apparently} prior believe, I'm not a dumb ass. I actually think before I get tatted. I contemplate what I want and what it means to me. Sure, somethings I want to get tattooed on me just cause I think it looks pretty.
It's not your body. Therefore, it is none of your concern
All three of my tattoos as of now mean something to me. I highly doubt that meaning will change when I'm 70/80.

3. Those are going to look ugly when you're older
Pretty much the same thing as #2, but a little different.
Now, lets look at this realistically. No one in their 80's looks like they do when they were in their 20s. No one in their 30/40's looks like they did in their 20s. So of course my tattoos might look a little different when I get older, but so will I.
and in my opinion, I will be a badass old woman who is tatted up!

4. You won't get a job with tattoos
This one really bugs me too. If an employer has an issue with my tattoos and only looks at that and not at my ability to do my job well, then I don't want to work for them anyway. They're obviously small minded.
Also, times are changing. People don't care as much as they used to.

5. You're such a pretty girl to ruin your body with tattoos
This is kinda like #1, but not really. This one REALLY gets me.
First of all, let me state this again -- It's not your body. Therefore, not your concern.
Secondly, since when can I not be pretty AND have tattoos? Tattoos make me feel more beautiful, actually. Because it's like I'm decorated.
If you don't think I'm pretty with tattoos, that's honestly your problem.

I'm sure my fellow tatted brethren have heard all these before, if not some different ones that are just as annoying.

So, please. Before you say anything, look at this and see if it has been said before. Trust me, we don't wanna hear it again {nor do we ever wanna hear it, honestly}. We don't care. If we cared, no one would have tattoos and the world would be less beautiful.

And please always remember...

It's not your body. Therefore, not your concern.

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