Friday, August 1, 2014

Mr. Foot-in-Mouth Smith

The last couple days, I've been hearing about the ESPN anchor Stephen Smith and how he defended the actions of the Baltimore Raven's running back, Ray Rice.

Now, mind you, I don't really give a rat's ass about sports. I don't get into football, don't really care about basketball, and the only sport I will sit down and watch with my daddy is PBR (call me a redneck if you want).

So to say I watch ESPN is a lie. A huge lie. But when I heard about this talk-show, debate thing, I decided to suck it up and watch it.

What Smith has is was what some people call "foot in the mouth" disease. He just seemed to not know when to stop, especially on his twitter (you can only put 140 words for a reason folks. Might as well stop while you're ahead). But because he is {apparently} a big name in sports, his words have weight, right?


And bless his little heart, Smith really tries to apologize and not seem like a pig. He tries to cover up his tracks by saying on his twitter "...but be clear, I wasn't BLAMING women for anything. I was simply saying to take all things into consideration for preventative purposes. Period."

While saying that is all nice and peachy, it's still not good enough.

There should be no "[taking] all things into consideration"

To even ENTERTAIN the idea that a woman provokes violence against her is completely BOGOUS. A woman shouldn't have to worry every time that she goes out that she is going to be attacked because of something she does.

....when did that even become a problem? What man got so power hungry and pig headed that they decided that it was the woman's fault?

It's really hard for me to even form a thought about this, because it is so ridiculous to me. How in the world could it be the woman's fault? How could being victims of violence be ANYONE'S fault?

If a man cannot control his actions because of what a woman is wearing/what she says, he should obviously be locked away because he is a danger to himself and to society.

But no. For some reason, people decide to turn their heads and cover their eyes to the violence. Because they don't want to look at the reality of what's happening.

Well, people. It's time to start looking and acting. Women have been fighting for FAR to long to get equal rights. To say that that fight is over and we won is stopping too soon. If comments like Smith's are still being made, if women are still looked at as objects and not beings, that means that some men still think they're superior and that means our fight isn't over.

It's time for equality.

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