Monday, September 1, 2014

The Expiration Date

Since moving in two weeks ago, I've tried countless times to write about my experiences in college. I literally have 3 different drafts in the vault...but I always got stuck. I don't really want to talk about it yet (though yes, one of the typical "The College Skinny" post are going to come).

Well, after bawling my eyes out for the last hour, I finally decided what I really wanted to talk about.

Long Distance.

It sucks.

And everyone seems to think there is going to be an expiration date.

One thing I've encountered quite a bit while being up here is seeing people either roll their eyes when you say you have a boyfriend, or they get this look on their face that's sympathetic and kinda says "oh honey..we'll see how long that lasts".
And while no one has directly said this to my face (thank god, cause I would have punched them), Ive also heard of the comment "she's going to find someone so much better in college".

Okay, first of all rude .
Who are you to say that the person she is dating is not right for her? Are you her? are you in her relationship? I think not. (BTW, the people in this scenario are now happily married now. So suck on that, nay sayers)

As you're reading this, if you're 21 or older, single or have had a bitter break up, or if you're a teeny bopper that thinks you know everything, you're probably sitting there reading with a smug smile, giving me a pity laugh and thinking "You poor girl, you'll be eating your words soon".

And then people automatically start putting bets on the expiration date.

Here's a few reasons why that's messed up.

Firstly, you don't know the person's relationship with their significant other. For example, everyone fights. If you spend everyday with a person they're going to sooner or later get on your nerves or you're going to have a disagreement with them. So just because you heard of a fight this couple just had, does not by any means mean they're going to break up. Sure, it happens. But not all the time.

Secondly, you're betting on a persons happiness. (Now if the said person only dates for sport and they don't really care if they break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend or not...they just shouldn't be in a relationship anyway. That's stupid.)I know many couples who would be devastated if they split (myself included). And that's just incredibly harsh to hope that kind of pain on them.

Thirdly, you're probably doing it out of your own bitterness. I know, because I used to do it. If you're single or just gotten broken up with, you're going to be understandably upset and that's okay. But don't take other people down with you. Someday you're going to find that person, man or woman, that means the world to you. It sucks that you have to wait sometimes, but it's worth it.

Another thing that is incredibly sad is people also automatically assume (now let us all remember what 'assuming' means) that one person is going to cheat on the other person. Why have so many people given up on pure love? Lust is just that -- lust. It's nothing but the carnal need to have sex with someone. If you're too weak to substance from that when you're not with you're significant other, you obviously don't need to be in a relationship. If you start having feelings for someone else...tell you're boyfriend/girlfriend. It sucks, but it happens.
But just because some do it, doesn't mean that all of us do.

With all that negativity -- there is hope.

I've known many couples who have had to be long distance (one of them being a VERY long distance) and they're now either happily married / with each other and incredibly happy. A lot of military spouses / significant others have to go months without seeing their loved ones...but they still hold true.

When you find a person that loves you for you and doesn't care about all your little quarks and doesn't mind that you literally squeal and repeat "puppy, puppy! I want a freaking puppy" every time you see a dog (...sorry, babe), why would you give them up?

This coming week will be the longest time I've gone without seeing Jeremiah. It's going to SUCK. However, when I see him in two weeks it's going to make it so much sweeter. We're going to have an amazing weekend because we now hold every moment that we get to spend with each other very dear.

So here's to long distance. While I know that this post is a little rant-ish, pretty sappy and kinda sporadic here and there, but I couldn't help but write this. Nay sayers are going to nay say, but that's okay.
If you're like me, you're always looking for an opportunity to prove someone that doesn't believe you can do it wrong.

So let's prove them wrong.

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