Tuesday, September 9, 2014

3 Thing Guys Shouldn't Say or Do

* This might be considered by some to be PG-13. * 

I don't know about you, but for some reason lately I've encountered a lot of...well...boorish male behavior.

Why? I don't know...maybe it's the moon? Maybe it's cause they're in college and they feel like they can do whatever they want? Or maybe they still feel superior and entitled to any woman who tickles their fancy (haha).

Either way, for some reason recently it's been just shoved in my face. Whether it's some comments on Yik Yak* saying "I need a hot girl to hook up with tonight and be gone by morning", a guy I pass in my dorm who looks me up in down and says "How you doing, baby?", a guy telling me that he LITERALLY thought that men were superior to women because men were stronger (hahahaha), or being cat called to just walking down the street (<- that one insures you the finger).

Some day I will post my theories on why BOYS** do these things, but today I'm just going to stick to the basics.

Boys, here are 3 things NOT to do when you see a girl you think is hot or 'bang-a-licious' (yes, that word is a thing).
1. Cat Calling
I know this might be hard for some boys to understand, so let me make it simple for you.

Girls are not animals. That means we are not cats. Because we are not cats, we do not like to be referred to as such. 

Whistling to a woman does not make us feel empowered***. It personally makes me feel cheap and looked at as a piece of meat. When a guy cat calls to me, it automatically gives me 'rape-vibes' and in general just makes me extremely uncomfortable AND annoyed.  

I'm annoyed because when a guy does that to me, I know he doesn't respect me as a person. All he sees is a pair of breast, an ass, and something that is going to give him 'pleasure'. He doesn't care that I have dreams and aspirations, he just cares about who he is going home with that night. 

So all in all, cat calling...don't do it. It's not cute. We're not flattered. 

And if you do it to the wrong person and they are close enough, they might slap you. 

2. Calling Her 'Baby' When She is in Fact Not Your 'Baby'
Guys, if a girl is not your girlfriend, a good general rule is to not call us your 'baby'.
Cause we are in fact...not.

Personally, when you call me baby and you are not my boyfriend, it makes me what to punch you in the face.
I'm a strong, independent, young woman. I'm 18 years old, about to turn 19. What I am not is a new born child that has just come out of my mother's birth canal that needs protecting because I LITERALLY cannot defend myself.

Now, yes, my boyfriend (*waves* Hello, darling) can call me baby if he wants to. For many couples it is a term of endearment. However, when someone calls me 'baby' that is NOT my boyfriend, my alert automatically goes up. It sets off my 'creeper radar'.

Because if you can't recognize that I am in fact a woman and not a small child, why would I want anything to do with you?

3. Pressuring
Why this even has to be talk about is beyond me. Shouldn't boys know by now that it's not cool? When a girl is pressured to do ANYTHING sexual, they feel used. Unwanted. Unappreciated.

And don't you DARE tell me that you 'really need it' and you can't keep it in your damn pants because you're 'so horny'. If that is the case, you need to be locked away because you're a danger to yourself and all of society.

Don't you DARE tell me that it was just because you were drunk and didn't know any better. If you do that when you're drunk and 'can't control yourself', I'll say it again --

you obviously need to be locked up because you are a harm to yourself and all of society. 

You also apparently don't give a rats ass about the girls feelings either, because like I said before it makes us feel worthless. You are telling us through your actions that you do not care that we are a human being that has emotions and dreams...all you see is the body.

And that can really, really mess a girl up.

While there are many more things that you just shouldn't do, these are the ones that really needed to be addressed.

If you are one of those people who think that 'women's rights' are all solved and a thing of the past...you really need to look at the world around you. While the US has made gigantic head way, boys are obviously being taught that it is okay to do these things.

And in different parts of the world, women have no rights at all.

So while you're probably sitting there and thinking how annoying feminists are or  that is just another "feminist post"...think of WHY we still need posts like this.
Think of the reason WHY I felt the need to voice my opinion on the matter.

As long as I have to keep fighting to be looked at as an individual that has to fight for her rights because a LONG ASS TIME AGO a white man decided that a woman's place was in the kitchen, you better believe I will be a feminist and I will make post like this one.

* for those of you who don't know, Yik Yak is an app for college students. It's totally anonymous and people pretty much post whatever they want....
which of course is 9 times out of 10 sexual. 
** I'm calling them BOYS because if you do any of these things you obviously have not reached the title of 'man'. You may be 40 years old...but if you still do these things then you are still considered a boy to me (and gross) 
*** Some women might feel empowered by this. But the women who are flattered by this are not the women you want to marry. 

1 comment:

  1. Feminists unite! keep it up girl, I enjoy reading your posts & your opinions are what a lot of women are afraid to say!
