Thursday, October 23, 2014

Let's Get (homo)Sexual

Sorry for the bad pun, but that's the first thing I thought of when I was posting this and I just couldn't get it out of my head.

I'm kinda a dork for puns and I love Oliva Newton John. Sue me.

As I'm sure you all have seen (and if you haven't...where the hell have you been?), the Marriage Equality Act * has taken the nation by storm. Now that it is not legal for states to discriminate on same - sex marriage, couples who have same - sex partners are now able to be wed in their home state.

Which. Is. AWESOME.

Personally, I think it's great. awesome. amazing. wonderful. I'm ecstatic about it. Not only am I a huge supporter of Gay Rights, I'm a huge supporter of HUMAN Rights. Whether you have different believes on whether or not being homosexual is 'okay', I feel like you should at least see that these people are human and deserve the same rights as everyone else. If someone being homosexual causes you THAT much grieve that you don't want them to get married (even though I promise you, it does not concern you), you obviously need to do some self reflection. Cause there is obviously something going on that is making you a little bitter/upset that you need to talk out.

The reason I'm posting this is because recently, I've seen some VERY disheartening/ irritating/ annoying things on Facebook. Things along the lines of "I'm so disappointed in you, North Carolina" or "The world is going down hill" (personally thought that one was little over the top).

I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I know that. But when I see people being so ignorant and just flat out disrespectful...I have to say something.

I'm going to say it again,
Chances are, you are not the homosexual in this situation. Their marriage is not effecting you in the slightest. If their marriage effects you THAT MUCH, then you need to seek help right away. Because your relationship with your significant other should NOT be that fragile. 

Another problem I have is that the majority of the people who are posting this are Christian.

I realize that a lot of Christians do not believe in homosexuality. However, you'd think that since God is supposed to be all loving, understanding and caring...then his followers would do that same. Also, you have to realize that some people don't even follow Christianity. So the 'rules' that you follow are not the same as others.

I think too many Christians are too focused on being God's 'Army'. They're too focused on judging and condemning other people, because they 'know' that's what God would do. They 'don't hate the sinner, but they hate the sin'.

Let me remind you all that none of you are sitting on a throne made of gold right now and you don't have the power of healing or any of that shit. So first of all, I don't know why you think you have the right to judge ANYone for their sin. And I know you're all thinking 'Holly, we're not hating the sinner!" shouldn't even hate the SIN. You don't have the RIGHT to judge people for their 'wrong doings'. Let God do all that.

Also, I'm pretty sure you've never gotten inside God's brain and known exactly what he's thinking. So you don't know anything. You seem to assume a lot though.

I hope you all also remember this thing called 'Separation of Church and State' . I'm sorry that your religion doesn't 'believe' in same-sex marriage. I really am. However, that (again) doesn't really concern you, and it also has nothing to do with your religion if it's a law. Just because your preacher gets all red faced and starts spiting about the 'blasphemy of Gay Marriage'....that doesn't really hold anything up in court when you're trying to nullify this amendment, nor should it. I would say 'sorry for ya' but I'm not.
Not to burst your bubble, but not everyone follows under the same believe system. Some people are Christians, Atheists, Agnostics, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Wiccan....the list goes on. Some are Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Pansexual, ect. So the government cannot only look at ONE religion/one way of life and make it a law for everyone.

I heard some countries have tried that before...and it hasn't worked out for them.

Another thing that kinda irks me is that people say "well it's in the bible!"
....please, PLEASE show me the verse that it says 'Thou shall only be heterosexual. Anything thing else is blasphemes and sinful'. You show me that verse, and I'll be willing to say I'm wrong. Scouts Honor. I still won't agree with you, but I will concede to the fact that I am wrong.
Now, if you are going to spout off bible verses at me, make sure it's specific. Because telling me to read Leviticus 20:13 is just going to make me roll my eyes. Leviticus is full of fun little rules, such as you're not allowed to trim your beards, you're not allowed to lie, steal or mixing fabrics in clothing. If you're going to tell me you don't do any of those things NOR do you them purposefully**, I know you'd be breaking one of those rules.

You can't pick and choose the rules you follow. That's called being a hypocrite. 

I realize this might be the most controversial thing I ever post. I realize that some might not agree with me...but if you can post your opinion, so can I.

I'm not allowing comments on this one because I don't really want my blog to blow up. However, feel free to email me ( or Facebook message me if we're friends.

* That's just what I'm choosing to call it. I tried to look up what it was actually called on Google, but I didn't feel like searching through all the stuff to find the actual I feel like that one will suffice. 
** A lot of people argue that 'choosing' (lol) to be homosexual and marrying/having sexual relations with the same sex is purposefully committing a sin. They're 'choosing' to be that way, there for God judges it more? Let's just say that being homosexual is a choice. A lot of people CHOOSE to lie. CHOOSE to steal. And they are Christians.... but they're sticking up their noses at homosexual people that "CHOOSE" to be homosexual.  Technically you are still committing the same sin in the eyes of God. ARGUMENT INVALID

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