Monday, October 13, 2014


This past Saturday, McDowell County lost one of the best young men this county has ever seen. 

I personally wasn't best friends with Eleck. His sister and I used to work together and I also hung around him a lot my Junior year in the parking lot of McDowell High School. We'd say hey to each other in the hallway and sometimes talk about random things in passing. Though we never had a one-on-one, deep conversation, the news of his passing on Saturday devastated me along with the rest of the county. 

You see, Eleck did not spend his 17 years of life in vain. He spent it trying to make people happy, loving and caring about others and trying to life like Christ would have. 

If you know me well, you would know I'm very cynical when it comes to Christianity. I tend to be very skeptical and wary of everyone who tries to talk to me about God and honestly just assume that they are trying to 'save' me or make me feel bad about myself. 

However, to say the Eleck Hensley was one of those people would be incredibly false and disrespectful. Eleck was the type of christian that every christian should strive to be. He tried (and succeeded) to live his life like Jesus did -- accepting everyone and loving everyone. Not judging and wanting to make everyone happy. He gave me the hope that there are more people in this world that actually cares about what following Jesus' example actually means. 

By the posts on twitter and on Facebook, you can just tell at how many lives he touched. The hash tag "elecktaughtme" last night was a constant stream on Twitter, everyone pouring out the life lessons this young man shared with everyone. 

My heart, positive thoughts, condolences go out to his family and his loved ones. His legacy will never be forgotten. 

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